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Welcome to Treble Chef

Treble Chef is a community for food and music lovers to discover new albums and recipes or experience old favorites in a way they haven’t before. Explore and embrace the connection between food and music.

Episode: 6

Channel Orange by Frank Ocean- Blood Orange Saffron Tart

Previous Episodes

Voodoo by D’Angelo - Etouffee Empanadas

Drunk by Thundercat- Kung Pao Chicken Wings

Album and Recipe Breakdowns

Channel Orange by Frank Ocean- Blood Orange Saffron Tart

Channel Orange is poetry in motion, a grandiose drama of love and tragedy painted over ethereal instrumentals. Frank’s incredible lyricism stemming from personal experiences brings vivid stories to life with mysticism and relatability. The brilliant subject matter paired with a vintage sound and Hip Hop/R&B roots made for a delicate dish with sweetness and surrealism: Blood Orange Saffron Pastry Tart.

Drunk by Thundercat-Kung Pao Chicken Wings

Drunk is a chaotic journey with a duality of care-free fun and complex feelings. The music inspired a recipe that throws correctness out the window for a fun and casual dining experience, while leaving an incredible depth of flavor that makes you wonder “what’s really going on here?”

Voodoo by D’Angelo-Etouffee Empanadas

D’Angelo’s Voodoo is a passionate composition that embraces the human experience, from irresistible natural pleasures to heavy hearted woes. Voodoo’s intimacy inspired me to create a hands-on dish that engages with the most basic, indulgent desires of good food: Etouffee Empanadas.

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